Writing happens to be one of my most enjoyable past times. I think what kept me from publishing my writing in book form was that I thought I wasn’t a very good writer.
Sad but true, I let that stop me.
I’ve been asked to co-author several collaborative books in the past. But the timing was never quite right for me. However, when the invitation came to co-author Super Charge Your Success , I knew I had to be included.
In the afterglow of becoming a bestselling author, I realized there were five lessons to be gleaned from the whole experience.
5 Lessons I learned becoming a bestselling author:
1. Set a goal with a deadline.
Becoming an author has been a goal of mine for quite some time. But it wasn’t until last year that I actually wrote the goal down. I wrote it down as one of my top ten goals for 2015.
When January 2016 came around, I wrote the goal down again. But this time I added “Best Selling” author. I even put a picture of the bestselling author label on my vision board where I could see it every day.
It still seems surreal to me that our book became a bestseller in just one day.
Never underestimate the power of a goal. Especially when you write it down.
2. Get a mentor to guide you.
I’ll be honest. Had I not hired a mentor to help me write for this book project, it may have never happened. There are just too many details involved that could have easily overwhelmed me. I would have gotten frustrated and possibly quit the whole project midway.
Hiring a writing coach was key for me in completing the project. Hiring the right coach made all the difference.
Jill Hendrickson is a fabulous writing coach and editor to work with. She makes the writing process feel so natural and easy, minimizing much of the resistance that would normally come up in publicizing your work.
I highly recommend her services for anyone wanting to write their book.
3. The importance of accountability.
Had I not had the milestones set forth for me by my writing coach and editor, I might have let the busyness of life get in the way of making the completion of this project possible.
Having those deadlines imposed upon me made me comply, sitting down to write even when it was the last thing I wanted to do.
Being too tired, uninspired or too busy to write, was no longer an option. Writer’s block or not, I knew I HAD to sit down and write.
4. The power of community.
If you’ve never written a book, it can be an intimidating experience. Especially for someone like me who doesn’t feel all that confident in the quality of their work.
Knowing I had thirteen visionary sisters who were penning their stories alongside me, felt supportive in a way that kept pulling me forward.
Had I not felt the support of the group, I might have been tempted to throw in the towel at times when I was feeling particularly unworthy or unqualified to be included in this book project.
The collective spirit of the other thought leaders involved was felt and appreciated every step of the way.
When attempting to do something bigger than yourself, gathering others of like-mind and working in community makes it less overwhelming, more doable and more enjoyable.
5. Always acknowledge your dreams and desires.
Becoming a published author has been a secret dream of mine for a while. I’ve shared the dream with a few key people in my life. Although some were supportive, others were not.
In the face of disapproval, I could have found plenty of reason to abandon my dream.
As time went on and it didn’t happen, it would have been easy to let the dream die.
However, I kept believing in my heart that it would happen. I knew somehow I would make it happen. The desire was just too strong for it not to.
I have to tell you, it feels SO amazing to finally be on this side of the dream now accomplished.
I am so excited that I am now a bestselling author. That’s the goal I wrote down.
Never underestimate the power of your dreams. Especially when you turn one into a goal written down with a deadline.
Go after your dreams! They are meant for YOU!