Candidate engagement has become a big topic in talent acquisition recently. Although there isn’t an official definition, candidate engagement generally refers to how responsive candidates are and how well they feel they were treated during the recruiting process.In various surveys, the majority of job seekers – around 60% – have indicated they received poor treatment during their job search.A CareerBuilder survey found when job seekers have a bad candidate experience, 42% of them would never apply to that company again and 22% said they would tell other candidates not to work at that company.With competition for talent tougher than ever, candidate engagement matters. But how do you do it right?Here are 3 tips to help improve your candidate engagement. An extremely long application No confirmation email Long hiring process Unable to contact a recruiter No notice when position is filled The biggest problems hurting candidate engagement are tied to poor communication, a lack of information, or a time-consuming process.If you’re having a problem with candidate engagement, chances are due to at least one of the issues listed above. However, the best way to identify what’s wrong is to analyze your own application process.Identifying what’s wrong with your own application process can involve: Examining your recruiting metrics: what’s the average time spent at each stage? Assessing your conversion rates: are there significant drop-offs that indicate engagement could be a problem? Surveying candidates: ask candidates for feedback on what they didn’t like about your application process. More communication Notification if passed over Timeline of hiring process Human contact after application Timeliness of replies Unsurprisingly, 4 of the top 5 aspects of a hiring process that candidates want improved involve better communication.Again, they best way to figure out how to improve candidate engagement is to identify what’s going on with your own process.Now we know the issues and what candidates actually want. How do we reconcile this to create better candidate engagement? Identify what the problems with your candidate engagement are by analyzing your recruiting metrics and asking candidates for feedback. Figure out what needs to be done to address the problems you’ve identified above. Leverage technology like AI and automation to speed up your hiring process and provide more communication.