10 Money Mishaps Pushing Clients To Seek Help From Financial Advisors

As a debt and financial consultant, I believe every individual and financial advisor would agree with me that in our current complex economic surroundings people often find themselves barb-wired with multiple money-oriented problems. From a practical viewpoint maintaining good financial health is more than generating revenue or retirement planning. People also need to manage their debts and invest wisely for living a healthy financial life. For that reason, they need expert financial advice that can guide them properly through any critical situation.

Unfortunately, I have seen many of my clients, common individuals, and companies do not take this matter seriously and often avoid consulting financial experts before making crucial financial decisions. This type of negligence frequently affects them, and they incur significant losses for a long period. They may rush to experts for immediate remedies, but it may have been too late to revoke their wrong steps.  

Then what’s the way out? Trust me, it’s never too late to call your financial advisor. However, my experience says it’s best to call for help before you ignite the spark! Once you have made a grave financial mistake and spread the fire all over your finances, it will also be difficult for your financial advisor to handle that hazard. So, you should better gather info on those situations when you might need someone experienced to lead you.

Let's explore some of these common financial mistakes that often drive individuals and business clients to seek professional help.

1. Putting excessive load on your bucket with financial services/products

I have seen my clients who have subscribed for multiple different financial products and services that they actually don’t need. But I don’t blame them! It's our human psychology to gather things up even if we become confused later. 

As a result, most of the time, people don’t know how most of these products actually work, whether or not to use that product/service, or how to organize them strategically. This leads to more confusion, bigger mistakes, missed due dates, overspending, and finally…financial distress.

2. Increasing spending neck-to-neck with your income levels

I have seen many of my clients raising their cost of living along with their income level. With increased income, people tend to spend more. Initially it will look fine, but when they reach retirement, this lifestyle habit may cost more than you expected. During retirement, there will be no regular income, so it will be difficult to maintain that luxurious lifestyle. As a result, adjusting to a retirement budget will be harder for you.

3. Managing your debts like an amateur

I have met clients who often seek guidance when they are already overwhelmed by their huge debts. As a debt consultant, I strongly suggest using debt relief plans according to specific financial situations. There are multiple debt relief options. Not all of them are suitable for each individual. A client having a regular income may choose a debt management program or a debt consolidation method.

I have also dealt with clients with no regular income and can’t afford to make debt payments. For them, choosing a debt settlement or bankruptcy option is much more suitable. But remember, both of these options have a serious impact on the credit. 

4. Not focusing on emergency savings

You may believe it or not, this is 2024, and still, many individuals do not know about the importance of an emergency fund. Even after experiencing the COVID situation, clients still think they won’t need it. They don’t realize that developing an emergency fund isn’t about meeting medical costs alone. When a sudden money crunch strikes, they might find themselves unprepared. This situation often leads to overusing credit cards, increases debts, and ruins their financial situation. 

As a financial advisor, I believe that having an emergency fund ready is as important as retirement planning.

5. Inappropriately drafting beneficiary selections

One of the most common financial blunders clients make is failing to correctly fill out the names of beneficiaries when estate planning. Too often, clients invest thousands of dollars in an estate planning attorney to create a trust but overlook modifying the beneficiary list to include in the trust.

6. Delaying retirement planning and wrongly allocating 401(k)

Many of my clients have committed the rookie error of delaying when it comes to retirement planning. They totally avoid working on it when they still have time. As a result, when retirement is approaching, they become clueless and seek guidance. But it was too late to help them catch up to the level of income.

Another common blunder I see clients do is allocating funds in their 401(k) plan without consulting the expert. Clients usually follow the performance and only choose 401(k) allocations that show positive performances at the current time. This often affects the long-term returns and may lead to uneven asset allocations. Clients may wrongly distribute their retirement funds and create issues with their nest eggs.

7. Investing without proper planning

I do believe that investing is equally crucial as retirement planning. But I also believe it is not as simple as that option. Investing needs expertise, knowledge, and foresight to choose the right investment tool. The most common mistake I see from my clients is choosing investment options without making a proper strategy. You can’t invest your hard-earned money being impulsive. In order to have great ROI, you must have a clear, well-planned strategy. For example - You need a strategy for your stock options, such as maintaining equity and restricted stock units. Without knowing how to deal with your equity, you may pay taxes more than you actually need. For that reason, you must consult an investment expert who will provide you with that expertise, knowledge, and foresight so that you can get great ROI without making a costly mistake.

8. Ignoring the book reconciliation

It’s a common practice for businesses to operate without getting reliable financial reporting and to have their books reconciled at the end of the year. They are so focused on the profit margins or good credit that they do not analyze costs and losses until the year ends. But I believe every business must know where they are standing at any point in time. For that reason, proper financial reporting is a must. Without reconciling the books, it is not possible. To grow your business you must make strategic decisions based on data, and that data you’ll get from your accounting files.

9. Making choices that increase tax liability

Clients sometimes make financial mistakes that can increase their tax burden. For example - Without consulting the financial advisor, they often make impulsive decisions on funds distribution in retirement accounts or investing stocks without anticipating the tax consequences. When things get messy, they ask for help from financial advisors, but sometimes it is too late to fix the problem. This is why it’s crucial for you to seek guidance from a tax consultant early on. A finance professional can assess your financial wellness and lead you to the right path before you hit the tax season.

10. Not buying sufficient insurance coverage

Not having adequate insurance can lead to financial devastation in the event of an accident or unexpected event. Clients often find themselves in dire situations when they lack proper coverage for health, home, or life insurance. After experiencing a significant loss and realizing the inadequacies in their financial safety net, clients frequently consult financial advisors to assess their insurance needs and ensure they have appropriate protection in place.

The Bottom Line

Individuals and businesses must understand that financial guidance is not a luxury; it is an essential part of financial well-being. By identifying these financial mistakes, they can take proactive measures to avoid them and also get expert opinions. Consulting a financial advisor may provide the necessary guidance and pave the way for a more secure and prosperous financial future. Remember, learning from past mistakes is good, but it is way better to be prepared for any obligation with proper guidance from an expert.

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