Why AI Isn’t Actually a Tool To Be Remarkable

AI doesn’t make you remarkable.

It doesn’t make you unique and stand out in a crowd.

AI is a means to an end.

What’s your end?

If you don’t know, how do you know how to apply and get the benefits from AI?

AI with no endgame as context is a solution looking for a problem.

AI is YUMMY in a contemporary form.

AI doesn’t make you special in a way people CARE about. It has no strategic purpose because what you decide to deliver is based on crowd thinking.

Its intent is to be at best more efficient in performing non-strategic tasks.

AI takes away your voice and replaces it with thousands of blended algorithmic voices.

AI has the potential of delivering dishonest value so beware of those who use it under the guise of serving others.

AI makes it easy, but it sucks every bit of originality from you. You don’t have to create, you can merely copy the aggregate of other people’s work.

Artificial Intelligence might be no intelligence at all…

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