Driving the Democratization of Personal Wealth Building

Written by: Maureen Doyle-Spare | UST

Embracing Emerging Technologies to Serve the Next Generation of Investing

The democratization of financial advising has been an encouraging trend, enabling a wider share of the public to access the same income-generating investment opportunities. Rather than exclusively serving the most affluent, financial advisors now serve a broader segment of the population. Those with smaller portfolio sizes have more resources at their disposal than ever – including access to financial advisors as well as relatively advanced do-it-yourself software tools, allowing them to pursue their personal financial objectives, such as retirement planning, saving for significant life events, and establishing emergency funds

This trend represents both a challenge and an exciting new opportunity for financial advisors.

Instead of dismissing AI and other analytical investment tools used by clients as usurping some of their responsibilities, financial advisors need to embrace innovation and integrate their own brand of AI – as well as other technologies – into their systems to provide clients with a higher level of service. This same set of technologies also allows for the provision of services to their less wealthy clientele in a profitable way. 

Trends Driving the Democratization of Financial Advising:

Increased Access

Technology has increased the ability for financial advisors to offer their services. Once a benefit for only the super wealthy, online platforms and mobile applications are available to less affluent investors. This new class of investors now has more opportunities to manage their portfolios, track their investments, and receive financial advice without leaving home. Financial advisors can now easily engage with individual clients without the need to meet in person.

Lower Costs

Traditional financial services were often associated with high fees, making them inaccessible to individuals with smaller portfolios. However, technology has driven down costs by automating processes and reducing the need for human intervention. One UST client integrated robo-advisor technology into its system, creating a digital platform that uses algorithms and automation to provide investment advice and portfolio management. These platforms allow financial advisors to offer investment solutions at lower costs. Robo-advisors enable individuals with smaller portfolios to benefit from diversification, asset allocation, and rebalancing strategies previously available only to high-net-worth individuals.


Technology further empowers individuals by providing personalized financial solutions that cater to their unique needs and goals. Advanced algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, including risk profiles, investment preferences, and financial objectives, and generate customized investment strategies. This level of personalization ensures that financial advisors offer a tailored experience that aligns with the individual circumstances, as opposed to the standard “one size fits all” approach. Tailored advice, driven by robust algorithm-driven insights, place a client’s unique financial aspirations front and center, more closely aligning them with long-term goals.

Educational Resources

Technology has become invaluable in educating and empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions. An influx of resources helps investors navigate this complex terrain confidently while making informed decisions based on changing understandings and aspirations. Advisors can offer online resources, such as scholarly articles, interactive tutorials, financial wellness applications, and webinars that provide accessible and comprehensive information about a variety of investment strategies, retirement planning, and financial principles. Thanks to these breakthroughs, financial literacy is no longer limited to the privileged few but has become a fundamental right for all.

Integrating The Latest Technology Organization-Wide

Emerging trends don't simply exist in isolation; when considered collectively, their cumulative effect paints an impressive picture of a financial planning industry becoming more accessible, efficient, and tailored, yielding benefits and values to institutions and investors alike. Financial organizations have access to financial technology services providers, such as UST, to support the integration of AI and other emerging analytical finance investment solutions into their existing systems.

These outside providers integrate a variety of tools and analytics packages to enable financial planning firms to empower their advisors. Some, like UST, even have their own financial wellness applications. These apps offer a rich repository of original and tailored content, interactive simulators, and reflective questions to educate and guide financial advisors and clients. Each financial firm can integrate or combine its benefits into the application, enabling individuals to understand their financial situation holistically. The best tools allow financial advisors to easily create customized investment financial planning recommendations and portals for their clients.


Technology has emerged as one of the primary drivers for the democratization of financial advisoring by reshaping the landscape of financial services and allowing financial advisors to offer all types of individuals access and participate in wealth-building opportunities. Through advancements in digital platforms, robo-advisors, and data analytics, technology allows advisors to break down barriers and make financial services more accessible to a broader range of individuals. By enhancing accessibility, reducing costs, personalizing solutions, and providing investors with the information they need, technology has allowed financial advisors to open doors for the mass market, enabling individuals to take control of their financial futures and pursue their wealth accumulation goals.

Related: Five Trends Transforming Financial Advice