The blockchain is one of the most influential business trends nowadays and hundreds of startups based on this technology are emerging each month. It owes most of the popularity to the strongest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, but also to its avant-garde technology.
However, it is difficult to get your foot in the door and make a breakthrough with all those startups popping up all over the Internet. According to cryptocurrency experts at Rushmyessay UK , a blockchain-based company now needs an outstanding marketing strategy as much as it needs a great product.
This is why you have to learn how to attract investors and accumulate enough capital for the project. In this article, we will show you 7 tips on how to promote blockchain startups.
Build professional authority
The global blockchain market is expected to grow to more than $20 billion in the next 5 years. With so much money in the game, it is not surprising to see numerous cryptocurrency experts creating blockchain-related content online. If you want to launch your own startup, we suggest you join the game and build professional authority in this niche
Start by writing blog posts, providing users with in-depth analysis of industry trends. After that, you should create guest posts, participate in conferences and online webinars, etc. Once you position yourself as a genuine blockchain authority, you will be able to grab the attention of potential investors.
Update website content
A website is an anchor of every startup, so you have to keep it updated and post relevant content on a regular basis. Blog posts will help you with that but there is more work to do here. You need some video reviews, case studies, and statistical facts to support your claims – just like the Ripple startup does on its own page.
It is also important to add a few testimonials to boost the credibility of the project. Making the FAQ page will help a lot of users to find basic information easily, while you can use the Whitepaper as a lead generator.
Speaking of whitepapers, you should know that this document represents the cornerstone of the blockchain startup. It includes everything: from technical specifications, over commercial strategy, all the way to financial projections. However, you need to adapt it so as to fit the needs of your target audience.
What we mean is that you should create the whitepaper more or less complex based on the profile of an average investor. If you expect skilled blockchain professionals to invest in this program, you must provide them with a more technical explanation. On the other hand, highlighting financial aspects of the story will do better if you are aiming at amateur or first-time investors.
Build online communities
Blockchain fans are recognized as passionate and loyal followers who pay attention to online discussions. You should exploit the opportunity and build online communities, promoting your startup among influential blockchain authorities. There are numerous channels of communication in that regard but we suggest you start with these three:
Utilize social media
Social media are by far the most powerful marketing tool of the digital era. The number of users they gather is so immense that you have to find target audience on one or more of these channels. Here are the most influential networks in that regard:
All these networks contain themes dedicated to blockchain technology, so you have to engage and utilize social media to promote your startup. If you know that the cost of an average blockchain project amounts to $300 thousand , it is clear that you will hardly accumulate so much money without some serious social media marketing.
Paid advertising
Although it would be perfect to promote the blockchain startup organically, you will hardly ever manage to do so. You need to advertise the project in order to expand its reach and approach potential investors. What you should look for here are relevant publications like Coin Desk , Trading View , or Coin Telegraph . Most people visit these websites while exploring blockchain technologies, which gives you a good chance to increase campaign awareness.
Don’t hide your team
The power of blockchain startup depends mostly on the knowledge and expertise of your team. If you manage to gather a team of highly skilled professionals, don’t hide them. You need to show the world that your campaign is led by experts. Add their resumes and links to social media profiles, allowing people to ask them questions about your startup. If you fulfill this demand, you won’t have to worry about the success of your project.
Building a blockchain-based startup is one of the most popular business trends all around the globe. Such projects demand not only a great product but also a solid marketing strategy if you want to successfully compete with thousands of similar companies.
In this article, we showed you 7 tips on how to promote blockchain startups. Using our suggestions, you can grow your business and accumulate enough money to give the project the initial boost. We wish you a good luck and hope that you will share your experiences with us in comments.