Carolyn Rosenblatt

Carolyn Rosenblatt is an R.N. with 10 years of nursing and a lawyer with 27 years of legal practice. She has extensive experience working with both healthcare and legal issues of elders. She retired from litigation to become a consultant and mediator at serving as advisors to families with aging loved ones.  She and Dr. Davis offer webinars, live workshops and policy development training for financial professionals through She blogs regularly at on aging, financial elder abuse, aging parents and successful aging. She has authored a book, The Boomer's Guide to Aging Parents as well as many articles on aging. In the course of advising families about the problems of getting older, both she and Dr. Davis became aware of the information gap in the financial services field about managing aging clients.  Their mission at is to prevent or stop financial elder abuse.   They are located in San Rafael, CA and they serve clients all over the U.S.

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