I was recently talking to a financial services advisor about social media. He gave me his card and said, “Yeah, I want to be on social media, but I don’t want to use it.” I looked at the card he put in my hand and then looked up and asked him, “Why?” He shrugged and said, “…because everyone else is on it.” He walked away at that point. Do you think I’m motivated by this conversation to help him?
Do you think he’s the type of person who:
Why would I spend my time building something that he has no intention of using? Why does this thought pattern even seem remotely OK with someone? Can I get a witness?
Please do not have any active social profiles if you do not want to use them. Just STOP IT! You don’t need to be on a social networking site unless you plan to…I don’t know…network. That’s truly the operative word in the sentence. And if someone offers to help build a profile, do them the courtesy of using the tool or resource they helped craft on your behalf…especially if they do it pro bono!! It’s ludicrous that this exchange went on in the first place. It made me wonder how many of us go around in life wanting things just because someone else has it. Is that a strategy or mere jealousy?
I firmly believe in telling business professionals to just walk away from social media if they have no intention of doing anything with it. Seriously, just walk away. There is no good that will come of it for them and it will just be frustrating to those around them who don’t understand why they’re not using the tool. It’s better to just ignore it and go on than to ask someone to spend their time building them something they have no intention of ever using.