Work Your Social Selling Funnel with ToFu, MoFu and BoFu

Modern Marketers use the terms ToFu, MoFu, BoFu, why this is important to us Social Sellers? Because it is a great way to organising our Territory; segmenting our pipeline and activities (Both Selling and Demand Generation).

What does ToFu, MoFu, BoFu mean?

Before I lose you, the meanings are as follows: ToFu (Top of the Funnel), MoFu (Middle of the Funnel) and BoFu (Bottom of the Funnel). The rest of the blog explains as Modern Sales People we need to think about these terms as we segment and plan our weeks.

The Sales Person’s Average Week – I’m far too Busy Running Around to Plan

Don’t know about you but I try and plan my week around the different activities we sales people need to action. Focusing in on the deals I need to close, working on the actions that will move my deals through the pipeline. For example, sorting demonstrations, working on business cases, get experts and senior managers briefed and lined up.

All transactional, which if we are not careful, we allow our time to expand, because as sales people we all love that sort of stuff. I’m sure that as a reader of this blog you are not like a sales people who I worked with who said to me “I’m far too busy running around, to sit down and plan.” I’m guessing that as you have read this far, you are not.

This all Feels like Revision to me!

When we were at college or school, there was stuff that we know we should do, but we always avoid it, as we don’t like it. Great example of that was revision. But revision helped us get through exams. Those exams, helped us progress. Like revision, there are three things we avoid because we don’t like doing them. They are: –

  • Demand Generation
  • Turning the “deals” we have sold into References and Advocates
  • Personal Branding
  • Let’s take each of these and why we must find time during the week to do these activities or we are failing as professional sales people.

    Demand Generation – As professional Sales Person are you really going to outsource your success, how much you earn and your professionalism to the Telesales Team or the Marketing department? No, you need to take control, in future blogs I will give you an automated, optimal way of doing this.

    Building References – In the last 30 years us Enterprise Sales people, have educated prospects that they must have a reference visit. While in most cases, this will just validate the decision. My colleagues always complain there are no references, or it seems I have all the references accounts. Why? Because I know I need references to sell, therefore I cultivate them. The sharp readers will have already spotted that Social Sellers should help prospects, my mindset to build long-term relationships with customers’ starts during the sale. Differentiates me against you and why I win.

    Personal Branding – Any of the subscribers and long-term readers know my view on personal branding. Travel time is a great way to invest in building that personal brand. On a train or in a taxi, work on that brand.

    So what has this got to do with the Marketing terms ToFu, MoFu and BoFu?

    ToFu – Top of the Funnel – To create new business, we must find people who haven’t even thought about buying what we have to sell. Creating desire and curiosity with these people to the point where they think “let’s have a look”. Most prospects will at this point, do their own research. Think about the job titles of people you are trying to sell to, you need to create content that appeals to them. A Finance Director is very different from a Financial Controller, don’t try and cut corners by having a “one size fits all” strategy. Also, let’s be honest here, yes we all say we sell at C-Level, but do we really?

    MoFU – Middle of the Funnel – Anybody prospect doing their own research will be in “Sales Person avoidance” mode. Which is why I use my Personal Brand and Thought Leadership position, so these people find me. Either I will try and close these before you find them Or I will place them in nurture. You can use a Marketing Automation tool to do this, or take it on yourself. Again I have a programmatic process to do this, which I will share at a later date.

    Tip: Want a way to create some content that will “hook” your prospects and move them to the next stage? “What’s an objection that you get in the sales process, and what’s your response?” Why do you want to know that? Here’s why: The objection — with a bit of editing — will make a fabulous blog headline. The answer — with your deft hands at the keyboard — will make a great blog post. When the prospect sees that post, they will look so smart and they will give you lots of credit as a thought leader. Try it just once, and you’ll be hooked.

    BoFu – The Bottom of the Funnel – is where you are close in on that meeting. Don’t forget in this new world of SaaS, the meeting will be with Need and Authority ( BANT, Budget, Authority, Need and Timing ) as it will be your job as you move them through the funnel to build the Budget and Timing.