When a prospect transitions into a client they may experience your firm as a very in-touch, responsive firm that is always communicating. But after the accounts are opened and the prospect officially becomes a client, the communication can fall off. Your new client may feel like you just wanted to land them as a client.
So, a process of regular, new client communications was developed to not only stay in touch during this sometimes-quiet period, but to strengthen the relationship. And it has been proven to result in a higher percentage of referrals from these new clients.
1. Team Introduction Letter: Send a letter that introduces (and in many cases re-introduces) members of the team with their pictures. Clients often save this letter so they can remind them of who everyone is in the office.
2. Individual Client Orientation: Send an email inviting the client to a one-on-one Client Orientation call or meeting with a staff person to go over online access, how to read their statements, review of expectations, discuss future meetings, etc.
3. Gift: Send a letter and a small gift – typically a book – thanking them for being a client and give a quick summary of the book.
4. Client Survey: Send an email asking them for feedback on how you are doing so far. It can be something simple like a SurveyMonkey.com online survey that includes 10 questions asking your new client to grade you on a scale of A-F. The final question is “Would you be willing to refer us to others?”
Related: The Power in Psychological Placebos
The period of time in the business relationship when you should receive the most referrals is the first 6 months. It is the time that there is something new to talk about, something exciting, and you are more top of mind. Enhance this period of referral propensity by implementing a system of meaningful communications.