Why Authenticity and Connection Are Key To Thriving in an AI-Driven World

In this article from the conversation they make a number of interesting points.

"According to Merriam-Webster, America’s oldest dictionary, “authentic” was the top word of 2023. The dictionary’s publisher also declared the meaning of the word “fake” was becoming increasingly blurred.

In an age where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, the concept of authenticity has taken on new significance, particularly for Gen Z. Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, this generation has grown up in a digital age where social media and online personas are part of everyday life – as are misinformation and disinformation. So Gen Z has had to develop an acute ability to discern what is genuine from what is artificial.

Immersed in technology since birth, authenticity for this generation is not just a desirable trait, it’s a necessity. Gen Z has witnessed first-hand the ease with which false information can spread – as evidenced by high-profile conspiracy theory cases, events like the Southport riots, and the rise in the use of deepfakes to misrepresent people.

As a result, Gen Z has developed a well-honed scepticism towards anything that appears too polished, too perfect, too contrived – a skill that will serve them well as AI-generated content becomes increasingly sophisticated and harder to distinguish from reality.

In 2021, a Gen Z insights report from Ernst & Young showed that 92% of this generation value being “authentic and true to oneself” as important. In fact, they crave authenticity in all aspects of their lives.

Compared with Millennials, a larger proportion of Gen Z say they base their job choices on their personal values and ethics. Many describe wanting genuine relationships, authentic emotional connections and transparency in all forms of communication.

Another study found that 90% of Gen Z consumers believe authenticity is crucial when deciding which brands to support. They seek out genuine connections and experiences, both online and offline, and respond to brands that appear to echo these concerns.

Regardless of this AI world, life has a number of fundamentals

  1. We don't believe anything a brand says …. you can produce the best copy in the world, but we all know the brochure, the white paper, the case study will say “buy my product because we are great”, which is why we ignore them.
  2. We know that our prospects and customers are searching for us on social media, because it's where they exist today.  It's where we co-exist. We all hate being sent off to a website to read something, which is why we and your prospects won't do it.
  3. We all hate ads, which is why your prospects, as with none of us look at them. We all know they are corporate propaganda.
  4. It's obvious to all of us that employee get 561% more engagement on social media than a brand does.
  5. We all know that the old ways of marketing, cold calling, spam email, events, paid media and all of the broadcast posts on social media are not generating the business we need, so come on, let's admit they are not working.

Here are just 5 points, I could go on.

But none of this matters if you employee a ChatGPT Guru who can write magical prompts. You can automate your content product until you are blue in the face. But you cannot change human nature and human culture. We know automated content when we read it and will ignore it

Let me leave you with this.

We've been running a benchmark now for 20 months, we therefore have the data to back us up then when we say on average an SDR can make 2 ICP meetings a day.

This is a one of customer who got great results, by the way that customer's SDRs are getting 25 a week.  This is an average.

This is no connect and pitch, there is no spam, no automation and no sales teach.

We just just social media and psychology to get conversations on social media.

Related: How Gen Z and Millennials Are Changing Buyer Behavior