“My PR team isn’t getting me results.”
“Social media doesn’t work for my business.”
“My print ads don’t give me a return on my investment.”
We hear these and similar statements regularly.
Many business owners are looking for a magic pill that cures the ailment and wonder why individual, one-off campaigns and tactics don’t deliver the goods. The harsh reality is that not only is there no single magic pill, but there really is only one prescription for a business looking to grow and that is to start with a brand strategy.
Building a brand strategy is the foundational work that inspires and informs every subsequent activity in a business from hiring to product development, marketing, sales and more. We wouldn’t build a house without a secure foundation, yet business owners often build their walls without a thought given to the quicksand they’re building on. Rather than hoping for the individual campaigns to create your strategy (hint: that never works), the only proven way to business growth is by starting with the strategy. Where I come from, we like to say that you need the map BEFORE you enter the woods. Business is no different.
While a brand strategy for a company can run to 100 pages or more (it can also start on the back of a napkin), I’ll do my best to summarize its most important points here.
Key Elements of a Brand Strategy
A brand strategy (irrespective of the company or industry) always follows the same rules and intention. It is the how, what, when, and to whom you plan on communicating your product or service, aligned with your company goals.
These are the key areas of building a brand strategy. Once such an exercise has been completed in your company, the output should be a document that is signed off on by leadership and then shared internally as the official direction and positioning document of the company. Companies that scale efficiently follow their brand strategy with dedication. While it can’t predict every direction your business may take, it should inform decision making in every area of the business such as HR, PR, marketing, sales, etc. Now you’ll have a much better chance of success with PR, social media campaigns, print media and more because your goals will be aligned, your audience defined and your strategy clear.