How much should you budget for your marketing? If you go on the internet, you’ll find tons of answers to this question.
Reports, studies and statistics that tell you how much financial advisors spend. But the truth is: Financial advisors don’t need a marketing budget to get more clients. That might sound radical, but you can create a marketing strategy that attracts clients on autopilot without ever making a budget.
In this episode, you’ll find out exactly how to turn your marketing into a client magnet—even if you never budget. Want to stop worrying about your money and start getting clients? Listen now!
Show highlights include:
- Why most financial advisors throw away their planning skills when it comes to marketing—and how to infuse your financial skills into the marketing process. (1:58)
- The “maybe you’re just better” reason you shouldn’t take marketing budget advice from the internet. (6:55) How mastering cold calls can hurt your business (even if it attracts clients) (12:21)
- The “Reinforcing feedback loop” that unleashes exponential growth in your business. (15:07)
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