Since I work in marketing, I read a lot of articles geared toward helping someone better their business life.
When marketers gear that advice toward the financial services community, I'm a little more alert because I've been a member of this group for more than 25 years now - they are my spirit animal.
Just like the playgrounds of yesteryear, bullies exist everywhere...especially online. I'm particularly astute to watch for marketers who use bullish tactics to sell their marketing points - especially when they come at the price of a financial service professional's business.
I imagined myself sitting on the other side of the article, reading this as a professional and wondered if the article helped or just would piss me off? I'm afraid it's more the latter. And although the marketer writing the article is trying to show the importance of whatever strategy they feel compelled to share - the reality is more often than not it pushes financial service professionals into doing nothing vs. something.
I'm not at all suggesting that marketers be disingenuous and write with a Pollyanna feel, but I can't help but also wonder how hard it would be to write a little less like the bully on the playground and little more like your favorite teacher in school: helpful, nurturing, and providing tips to be successful?
Financial service professionals have a lot more on their plate today than ever before. Between rules, regulations, fees, and clients -- let's add marketing their practice to the mix and this just becomes another thing that yes, it must get done, but at what cost? Who is gonna do this stuff?
My advice to the #FinServ market is simply this: hire the right marketer / marketing company for you and your practice. Do not listen to the social media gurus, ninjas, experts, or whatever different superhero name they come up. Listen to the advice which makes the most sense for you and your company. Follow the lead of those you respect and want to work with.
In the end, we never want any bully to win no matter what area of life we are talking about. Bullies be damned! Do what's right for you and that's all that matters!
Be bigger, better and more BIONIC today!