Marketing departments are already thinking about cross media
Today neither you nor I nor consumers are thinking or interacting with you or with your brand in a single channel. Act and interact with us using different devices, channels, media, content will a sales funnel where they will burn different stages. Prospect, leads, marketing qualified leads to customers.
Marketing is therefore doing everything we can to be in the right place at the right time to provide these consumers their buying process. Be clear that you are using different advanced technologies to track your activities, serve its interests, knowledge or training them with any piece of content that will help push the sales funnel. If today you are not sure that this is not science fiction but is happening now, I suggest you stop reading this post.
Major changes are here:
1. Potential customers are looking for content experiences.
Content that help them in their search for information to make decisions as may be buying your product or service if, but before all this, are seeking solutions to a need that has never name your brand.
2. Marketing of events must be included in the marketing mix.
Live events are and should be treated as a communication channel to reach your audience. You can and should work with the sales funnel on the head, because in the event is where you will find prospects, leads, etc .. ie the full range of a sales funnel. If you apply the sales funnel, you can better define your goals at the event and especially understand better deal perform at an event depending on the stage where attendees can find it. Is ultimately apply inbound marketing strategy for your events.
3. Figures that you will end up deciding
Marketing today is looking figures, numbers, etc .. Some surveys and reports today are ensuring that Objective 1 of events is sold. Therefore they are seeing events as a tool in stages mofu and Bofu.
4. Technology and you should start looking.
- Integral Marketing Automation
There are systems that integrate into your marketing event with your other information systems in a simple and transparent manner.
- Tools that will allow an experiential engagement with attendees at your events
Consumers like you are not feeling that treat them as just another number in a queue. This is to make them feel part of the experiential content you are generating for them in the most personalized way possible. Any app you use must be focused on meeting these objectives.
- Mobile Apps
Participants are waiting for an event to interact with their "mobile guns" when they go to an event.You have to think about them and how you're going to invite them to use their phones to be part of the experience of content.
In short
Now is the time you have to revise your strategies for next and think about whether you really want to continue using marketing events with isolated communication channel or conversely year and have understood that integration can only get objectives that your CEO raises you up for the next year and do not know how to get them.
Step up before you get a push.