Short Lists Are Shrinking According to G2

Shortlists are shrinking according to research from G2.

Where as, 45% percent of buyers had 4 to 7 products on their shortlists in 2023, a figure which dropped to 31% in 2024.

Instead, 49% had 1 to 3 products, an increase of 16 points (from 33%).

Sales people must therefore be intentional to get on these short lists, so how do you do this?

  1. Get a buyer centric-profile - This is a social media profile that resonants with a buyer.
  2. To have buyer and the buyer group in their network and to do this in a non spammy way.
  3. Have insightful, educational and authentic content that resonates with buyers.

In fact, if you don't do these three things you are invisible to your buyers.

Of course, the real winners here are sales and marketers.

With buyers whittling down their choices, the battle for brand dominance becomes even more ruthless.

It's survival of the fittest in the most literal sense. Only the strongest companies, with most empowered sales people on social will make the cut.

So, here's to the shrinking shortlists. Whether it's a sign of our collective decline or an ingenious adaptation to modern life, one thing is clear: the fewer choices we have, the happier we seem to be. Cheers to less thinking and more buying!

Related: 12 Research-Backed Insights from G2 on How AI is Transforming Buyer Behavior