Research Conflicting Advice Before Deciding

Our business environment leads to highly conflicting advice, requiring us to consider the pros and cons before making a serious decision. No one answer works for everyone, nor does making claims that may or may not prove accurate. The two topics to which I refer are investment strategies and politics. Undoubtedly, the same holds for other industries. To do our best in whatever sector we represent, it is wise to research conflicting advice before deciding.

Making unsubstantiated pronouncements achieves little; the worst outcome affecting one’s business is creating poor word of mouth. Watching our social and business words is critical, or we can easily offend another. Worse, we can get into a heated argument, but that helps no one.

Two months ago, a friend strongly advised that we sell a specific stock if we own it. His advice opposed everything I had learned about the company over the years, including its financial outlook, but caution was in the air. Bracing myself while attempting diplomacy, I suggested he read varying newsletters to understand better which position may be correct. 

Like any industry, everyone has varying opinions. We must weigh the pros and cons to find a suitable solution for our prospects and intended clientele. We are not to get emotionally attached to ensure we make better choices.

Maintaining Friendships

Accordingly, although I disagreed with our friend, I took my advice to begin reading various financial newsletters concerning the topic at hand. Be forewarned: While acquiring a fuller view of an issue is good, it can make one crazy as the conflicting news is hard to take! I was aghast at the opposing insights concerning a few companies. I could envision the opposing financial advisors in a boxing ring to prove their point!

Knowing a financial planner, I mentioned that the situation was almost laughable on another level. He responded that he wished he could say the same. Figuring out who and what to believe is a nerve-wracking component of his profession.

Politics Requires Treading Water Carefully

After reading statements and articles from individuals, news broadcasters, and politicians, the long-gone television show ‘Who Do You Trust?’ comes to mind. Each country has its issues and opposing politicians; the question is, can a resolution between the conflicting political opponents come alive? 

Brand and Branding

No two people are alike; we each have a unique upbringing and identity. Therefore, what works for one may harm another. It’s critical to research each matter before making pronouncements to realize a better solution. Consistency with how we portray ourselves and our brand gives us an identity that others notice. Applying our brand to all we do increases awareness, offers of collaboration, and additional sales. However, we are to avoid pressuring others to agree with our perspective. 

Bridge the Gap for Business

It’s best to walk a bridge from opposite ends to find common ground, no matter the topic or type of business. Understanding comes first before making valuable recommendations and suggestions. 

Questions Dominate Telling Selling 

It’s far better to ask questions to gain the perspective of the other person(s). Next, dig deep by asking more questions, such as: Please explain how you came to your belief and how you see it is helping future endeavors.

Questions often reveal privately held thoughts that encourage more profound conversations. By the end of the discussion, a better agreement and solution are most often found among all parties. Open dialogue without judgment encourages a more comprehensive understanding and likely prompts an agreeable solution.

Conclusion: Research Conflicting Advice Requires Before Deciding

For anyone offended by a statement like, ‘You should do…’, consider doing research upfront and sharing what you read to understand where others stand upfront. Then, you can dig deeper with questions to understand better their position and what they want to accomplish. Accordingly, you are more likely to move forward together to enjoy the Smooth Sale!

Related: Are You Ready to Try Something New for Business and Growth?