Is now the time to leave your clients alone with their thoughts? Processing what they’ve seen online? With a mental loop of the latest headlines from tv?
We hope you said, “Of course not, Laura! That’s the worst idea ever.”
It’s not always easy to find the right words, which is why we’re here to help. Because as your clients and prospects turn to you for guidance, you need to get your messaging right.
Here’s where to start:
How can you help give your clients some perspective in the midst of all the hype? Start with digging up some stats that give long-term perspective to the short-term dip. Charts and graphs bring it home.
We all want to know what it means for us! You know that better than anyone when it comes to your clients. So tell a story from a past market drop. You’ve seen clients who bailed at the worst moment possible. Those anecdotes will be what your clients remember.
Anytime clients are worried, you have the chance to do good. Give clients a call-to-action, it makes them feel like there’s something they can do. Provide a resource (link to a podcast or article you love). Or give them an assignment (look at your own portfolio value in 2007 vs today).
Double down on creating content. If you hold regular market update webinars, schedule one right away. If you send out quarterly market update newsletters, add an extra touch point into your plan. Record videos? We consider that the best way to reach all your clients and prospects at once with a well-crafted message.
One of the biggest complaints clients have about their advisors is they don’t communicate enough. Don’t be that advisor!
Anytime is a good time for referrals, but now is when people will be making them. Duncan MacPherson of Pareto Systems suggests advisors make volatility your friend. “You are at your highest level of refer-ability right now.”
It can feel hard to ask for introductions in normal circumstances, so you may be wondering, “How do I do it now?” Try ending your message with, “If you have a friend or loved one who is feeling uneasy about their investments, don’t hesitate to share my message with them.”
Wondering what it all looks like woven together into an effective video? Listen to Clint’s message:
At times of heightened fear and focus on the markets, you have the chance to differentiate yourself at the same time your audience is hungry for information. To do that, you need to be giving actionable advice in memorable ways.
Related: Boost Your Website’s Success with High-Impact Video