Writing your website content is not an easy challenge. As a Financial Advisor, you know how much it is hard to get a client and although most of them might be coming from referrals, you still want to give the best impression and prove your firm’s the best to start a long lasting relationship.
Pu Yi, 15: Why are words important?
Reginal Fleming Johnston: If you cannot say what you mean, your majesty, you will never mean what you say and a gentleman should always mean what he says.
Just like Sir Johnston in Bernardo Bertolucci’s Last Emperor, let’s be gentleman and focus on the key points on how to write a proper website content.
Start with the right questions
Before you got into any marketing tasks, make sure you answered some basic questions:
The simplest questions are always the hardest to reply to, but they will help you direct your effort to your objectives.
From the big idea to small pieces
Considering the important amount of time and energy requested to write proper content, don’t beat yourself up!
Your website is an amazing platform where creativity is king, make sure you take advantage of it!
Focus on Quality, not Quantity
Bad sales people talk all the time. Good sales people listen and know the value of words.
No, it is not another quote from a sales guru, but just a feedback from my own experience. Nothing is more annoying than talking for nothing, especially in business. Spare your visitors the pain of getting lost into your website and make sure you go straight to the point! It is not an easy exercise since most of us a drawn into endless justification of our own qualifications. But keep in mind your visitor is here for a reason: he wants to know, indeed, whether you fit for the job…so help him know you are!