My friend, colleague (former business partner) and retail thought-leader John Andrews recently asked this question on LinkedIn (see post embedded below)… “Has the paradox of choice plus the paradigm of spam killed eCommerce?”
“I often find that during a digital shopping journey the overwhelming digital onslaught of popups designed to steer my journey, capture my email and generally maximize my basket, frequently results in me just abandoning cart. This then triggers relentless spam on targeting across multiple sites.
Is anyone at the brands doing this actually shopping their own products? It is killing brand equity for short term conversion metrics.” ~John Andrews
My primary comment ( I also replied to one of the comments), and what I have been saying for a few years while lamenting this state of affairs with John… Brands are running headlong into brand equity destruction through incessant overuse of their email list and “permission,” and incessant digital spamming. The rise of retargeting and digital yield techniques is killing brands, and brand equity for the long-term. It makes me wonder how many brand managers, and more importantly CMOs, bother signing up for their own email distribution lists, or shop their brands from an anonymous browser to experience what their customers are being subjected to.
Customer experience is no longer simply about product, delivery, and service, but about how the customer experiences our marketing.
RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP is more important now than ever AND adds more to ROI than meets the eye.
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