Innovation is a Decision

We all do it. Procrastinate. Fool ourselves into believing that the moment will come when that inspiration hits us, When we’ll be invaded by that genius idea, that brilliant spark, that intuitive bolt of lightning that leads to the innovation that will set us on a new course, that will move the needle towards that change in direction. And it does happen. Sometimes. But innovation isn’t happenstance, it’s not luck, or just something to be hoped for.

It's a decision.

A decision to get about the business of setting the course for discovering the future where you, your company, your organization will be. Waiting to be inspired. Or worse, waiting until you’re panicked. That sets in motion forces that are tough to reverse.

But yet, the future is filled with uncertainty, the unknown, doubt. And… opportunity, possibility, abundance. It’s up to us to dance ahead into that uncertainty with intention, thoughtfulness, passion, energy. We must regularly invest in the future ahead of that time when it becomes obvious to us (and our competitors) that we might be late to the game.

Related: A Good Partnership Can Be the Future to Innovation