Imagine Spending So Much Time Playing Tetris That You Start Dreaming About It

I once spent so many hours on my Game Boy that I couldn’t help but dream about Tetris blocks fitting themselves perfectly together.

Down they came as I tried to fit them all together as efficiently as I could.

When I managed to, it created space for me. I could breathe easily, think clearly and plan ahead.

When I didn’t, things sped up, and the pressure built.

Little did I know then, the game would become the perfect model for managing my time.

The Tetris blocks are the demands on our time.

They’re things you need to do for various different people, and when locked in early and managed so things fit, the gaps are minimised. The reward is a different kind of space — headspace.

This is the essence of what I call calendar programming:

  • directing tasks like those falling Tetris blocks,
  • ensuring no gaps and no needless stress accumulates.
  • Booking out “do not disturb” time.
  • Focusing on the big rock.

All these strategies are about spending less time worrying whether the blocks will pile up and you run out of time. Game Over.

The lesson I’ve learnt is to take control, pre-empt what’s coming, and give yourself the headspace to tackle more without losing your mind in the process (so you can play more Tetris!).

Related: The Productivity Dilemma: Mastering the Art of Single-Tasking