His clients are freaking out! I have been taking their calls all day. – Virtual assistant
At first what we were getting from advisor was good. Now, it’s just too much. – High net worth client
How you guide clients now may be the most important of your whole relationship with them.
You are probably communicating with them diligently and consistently. Is it having the intended effect?
Or, are your clients reacting like one of the two (real quotes) above?
Communicating with anxious clients is different than during normal times. Even during normal times, although they nodded in agreement and assured you they understand exactly what you were telling them, they don’t fully understand your investment strategy or how the markets work. So, when things go bad it is easy for them to lose confidence.
And when they are underconfident, as Peter Atwater explained on a recent podcast, their ability to understand what you explain decreases. Cognitive capacity declines. The ability for abstract thought is diminished. Unless the orientation of your communications is “me, here, now,” your clients may fail to process what you are telling them.
How will you know how effective your communications are?
We have just released the service that will evaluate it for you. Crisis Focus Groups.
We have put together a turnkey process that will bring 8 to 10 of your clients together for a virtual meeting and get their feedback on the communications you have been sending. Once you have invited clients to participate, we will handle everything from finding a time that works for them through conducting the meeting to giving you a recording within a day. You will know how your communication through this difficult time can be improved, if at all. And you will find out what is most on your clients’ minds so you can address it.
You can find out more about the program by clicking here, or click here to see a webinar where I discussed the new program with Marie Swift.
Don’t take a chance that your communications are off the mark. This can be one of the best times to attract new clients. It can also be a time that loses you clients. Let us help you check with your clients to make sure you are giving them what they need.
Related: How to Talk to Nervous Clients Who Have Lost Confidence