Introducing yourself – more to getting it right than you think!
What do you say when someone asks you “so what do you do?”
You might say, “I’m a financial advisor”. Or “I’m an investment advisor”. If you’re a top advisor, you might be compelled to say “I’m Vice President and Portfolio Manager”. Or even “I’m a CFA”.
Well put all of those away if you’re introducing yourself to a woman you might want as a client. None of the above will impress her – she might even “run for the door” thinking you’re going to try to “sell” her something.
Your goal is have her say “tell me more about that”.
So what do you say?
Here are 4 quick tips:
How about something like this: “I help people have their cake and eat it too”. Doesn’t that beg the question “what does that mean” or “how do you do that”.
Okay maybe that’s a bit over the edge but it’s important you make it about the people you help and not about what you do to help people get there.
Related: Turning a Female Prospect Into a Client
Try this:
I help <type of people you serve”> <achieve this>. Something like:
Now you try it! Send us your best one.
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