One of my Twitter followers recently asked an excellent question which I felt could not be answered in 140 characters. Actually, it has been something I have been meaning to blog about, but I just have not got around to writing it. So here is the question:
While there are many things that can and should be done to increase the Twitter following of a company, I feel this one is the quickest, easiest, and most often over looked best tip missed by the majority of businesses.
The Money is IN the List!
If you have been around the web long enough, chances are that you have heard the phrase “The money is in the list”. Often, this is referring to the reasoning behind having a lead capture form on your website to stay connected via email with current and potential customers. Aside from using this list for emailing, did you know that you could use it to connect with your customers who are already on Twitter?
Sure, Twitter asks you when you create your account if you want to link up a Gmail, YahooMail, Hotmail or AOL account to find contacts, but let’s face it; your lead capture form is not tied to any of these services. Thus, all the leads you have been capturing on your website are still sitting in your lead management software.
So How Do We Get Our Newsletter Email List into Twitter?
And BOOM goes the dynamite! You can now connect to users who are already on Twitter and INTERESTED in you or your business. Since they already know who you or your business are, chances are they will follow you back increasing your Twitter follower count. What better way to stay connected to people who have already bought or used your services?
Related: How to Increase Twitter Followers For Your Business
Other Ways You Can Use This
If you don’t have a newsletter, don’t fret, there are other ways to find and import email addresses. Among other options are:
What other ways do you collect customer/client emails that could utilize this method? Share your thoughts in the comments!