I have spent almost sixteen years as a social media consultant and trainer to executive teams and marketing organizations, and there is one aspect I find more truthful by the day; that the social media effect ripples throughout an organization and affects all it touches: employees, shareholders, clients, industry media and potential customers. Today it is critical for B2B organizations to take hold of social media communications from end to end. This means social media strategies and implementation from initial employee onboarding, marketing, customer service, to sales and brand reputation. In the end – total Social Advocacy.
Oh yes, there is a LOT here to discuss. Thus, for the sake of this being a blog post on social advocacy, I have decided to craft this into a new series, and I will begin with the The Role of the Executive and Social Media .
To preface this, I made a short unedited video below just to frame this social conversation. It focuses on immediate tips as to how executives can bridge communications with their generally younger social media staff, the millennials. Watch the video, and then please read on for my advice on the optimal executive role related to social media marketing.
Now that you’ve been introduced to my thoughts on the subject, let me give some proper education to you as an executive, pertaining to where you sit within the social organization that you now lead-
Fact – Technology and proper social media marketing can and will uplift your brand.
This means more impressions, which can generate targeted media and customer interest. Therefore, you must embrace it, understand it and own it. So how do you do this as a senior level executive, even a member of the C-Suite? How do you create a culture of social advocacy while still delivering profitability to your shareholders? By understanding how Social Media fits inside your organization.
The use of social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube and others, by your employees for posting, or by your target audience searching for content, drives influence in the organization in numerous areas. Here I will share my top 6 Ways Your Business Can Flourish by Implementing Social Advocacy at The Top :
I will return soon with my second chapter, and second key fact, to begin maximizing the success of your business via the exponential power of social media.