How Can This Make Us Better?

There have been many moments, over the last several weeks, when the fear took over.

Is my family going to be ok?
Are my clients going to be ok?
Is my business going to be ok?

And like so many others have experienced, these questions became bigger and scarier while staring at the ceiling at 2:00 a.m.

But there have been other moments. Moments when I felt more connected, or more productive or more content. And I think it’s worth hitting pause to identify those moments and make sure they aren’t merely a response to the current situation, but a part of our future.

I asked my key business advisor, my 10-year old son, what he (or we) are doing now that he wants to continue. He told me he wanted to continue taking daily family walks. Nice one. And he told me he wanted to do more creative writing, which has been part of his ‘home schooling’. Better still!

Maybe we all need to take some time and acknowledge what is new and, sometimes, better. If we aren’t intentional about it, I fear the ‘good’ will be cast aside with the bad in the stampede toward normal (whenever that happens).

So here’s my question for you.

What are you doing differently now that you will continue doing when life and business normalize?

Better still, here’s my two-part challenge.

#1. Print the worksheet below and give a copy to each team member. Ask each person to identify five things that the team is doing now that have helped them or the business as a whole. Share those ideas at the next team meeting and make some commitments to keep doing what’s working.

Download ‘Our Team: What’s Working’

# 2. Print the individual/family worksheet and, if relevant, give a copy to each family member. Ask each person to identify five things that you/the family are doing now that you have enjoyed, that helped you feel more connected to your family or community or which brought a greater sense of purpose. Share those ideas at the dinner table.

Download ‘Me/My Family: What’s Working

You may want to share one or both of these with your clients to help them find the positive.

For what it’s worth, here’s my list.


  • - Always ask what is challenging our clients and seek solutions, recognizing that being ‘client-centric’ isn’t just about delivering good service but coming up with creative solutions. We developed The Client Leadership Program and there needs to be more of that kind of focused response.
  • - Be more diligent about continuity planning. There is nothing like a worldwide pandemic to remind you that anything can happen.
  • - Use video much more often to ensure we are truly connecting as a team.
  • - Use video more with clients to create deeper connections (and stop worrying about hair and make-up).

Family and Friends:

  • - Continue the daily family walk (my son was bang on with this one).
  • - Count to five when interrupted and focus on what is needed (e.g., a hug) rather than what is on my agenda (e.g., work).
  • - Meet virtually with friends who we don’t see often enough. We’re loving virtual cocktail hour.
  • - Go for drives together.
  • - Eat dinner at the table.

And personally, I hope to be more patient, more intentional and more grateful. I may need reminders.

Related: What Your Clients Really Need Right Now

P.S.  I’d like to invite you to a webinar on April 7 at 1:00 ET or 4:15 ET.  I’ll be examining client leadership and what it looks like ‘in action’.  I’ll also be unveiling The Client Leadership Program, a simple and cost-effective tool that allows you to deliver personalized communications that reflect what your individual clients say they need right now.