Get Your Video Marketing Plan off the Starting Block


Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a great marketing strategy.

If you’re thinking about making videos to connect with your prospects and clients, you’re at the right starting line. But if burning questions like, “What do I talk about?” and “How do I share the videos?” have you frozen in place before even taking off, we’ve got you.

Check out this webinar we did with Zoë Meggert, founder of Perfectly Planned Content, for the number one, very first, absolutely “start here” step to take. (Hint: It’s figuring out what type of videos will help grow your practice). Plus …

      1. The most important way to share videos (it’s probably not what you think)

      2. The social media marketing step a lot of people get wrong

Want to jump right to a specific answer to your question?

Here’s your webinar cheat sheet:

Cheat Sheet

Questions Answered:

  • 3:50 – What should I talk about? The 3 types of content you need
  • 10:48 – How long should videos be? 2 rules of thumb for different audiences
  • 3:18 – What platform should I be using? Lots of them! Including one that a lot of people overlook
  • 19:35 – What type of lighting and background do I need?
  •  23:23 – If I really don’t want to be on camera – are there other options?

 Bonus Tips:

  • 14:00 – The social media marketing step a lot of people get wrong
  • 15:10 – The most important way to share your videos
  • 26:35 – For any video marketing strategy, you need a process – here’s Idea Decanter’s

Related: How to Upload Your First YouTube Video