GenAI: The Top Self-Guided Information Source for 89% of B2B Buyers

There is a recent report by Forrester, (sorry it's $1495) in it's summary it states that

“89% of B2B buyers have adopted generative AI (genAI), naming it one of the top sources of self-guided information in every phase of their buying process. This data overview provides insights into how buyers are using genAI and the impact it is having on B2B buying based on buyers’ responses to Forrester’s Buyers’ Journey Survey, 2024.”

I've been posting a lot about how AI agents will replace the need for us to search the internet and look at websites. There is a great video here which demonstrates how to use an AI agent to buy something from Amazon.  This is not a window into the future, this is today.

I find it funny that I post articles about this on social media and the it amazes me the number of web designers, SEO experts, Hubspot trained marketers, who respond and say, “of no it's not”.

As if the demo in the above video doesn't exist.

One person responded with a long list of websites you will need to have. No you don't need them.  Our only interface to the world will be out AI agent.

The website does not concern me.

For example, this person said, all non-for-profits will need a website. Why?

Does this mean, I will go to my AI agent and have to think, the prompt I'm writing may be about a  non-for-profit, so in this case i will ask the question of Google and as it might mean I need to look at a website.

Of course not, the whole point of an AI agent is to remove friction, not add it.

So what does this research from forrester mean?

  1. Buyers are already able to bypass Google and supplier websites to get the information they need, which means you need to create content for AI agents, not humans
  2. In this world of AI, the most human company wins. There is a clock ticking now to get your salespeople empowered on social, or you may find you have run out of time.

Related: Social Selling: A Must-Have Skill for Empowered Sales Teams