Does Posting Video Content on Social Media Get Results?

Does posting video content on social media get results? 

That’s a great question to ask financial advisor Darrin Gold. You can use his ROI story as your own video marketing roadmap.

Darrin gets a lot of new business from referrals. A friend made an introduction to an entrepreneur that any advisor would label an “ideal client.” This guy was a business owner who was starting to think about an exit in the next few years. His company was worth $30-40M.

That first Zoom meeting, Darrin admits, wasn’t his best. With a 90% close rate, he was still hopeful to work with this business owner, but it didn’t feel like a sure thing. The prospect reached out not long after to let Darrin know he’d decided to go with another advisor.

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Not every opportunity results in new business. Any advisor knows this. But it’s what Darrin did next that made the difference.

He sent a follow-up gift to the prospect – a book on exiting a business – and then he carried on with marketing his business.

His marketing strategy included posting videos on a regular basis to LinkedIn. His messaging is designed to connect with his target audience – especially business owners who are thinking about an exit strategy.

Make a Lasting Impression

One year later, Darrin was shocked when the business owner reached out. “He said that he felt as though he made the wrong decision, and he’d like to come back and work with us,” Darrin recalls with a smile. 

Later he asked his new client why he’d changed his mind. The first advisor had gone completely silent as soon as the account was onboarded. In the meantime, the business owner had been following Darrin’s regular posts on social.

Did the consistent video content on LinkedIn help him win a big client? Darrin thinks so. 

“I credit the fact that we stayed in front of him because I know he’s active on LinkedIn. We’re putting out videos on LinkedIn. Without that activity, we wouldn’t have been top of mind.”

By maintaining a regular, ongoing video strategy, you can leverage social media to connect with prospective clients. The results may take time, but it will be worth the wait.

👉 Follow Darrin on LinkedIn for inspiration. 

👉 Get more inspiration from advisor results stories here.

👉 Learn more about the video system he used to create his content here.

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