Copying the “Weird” Can Lead to Career Success

Standing Out in a Crowd of Copycats

In today’s world, benchmarking is all the rage. We copy what successful businesses do, hoping to replicate their achievements.

But the reality is that the key to a winning career lies not in imitation, but in embracing the unconventional.

The Limits of Benchmarking

While benchmarking can improve processes and efficiency, it does little for originality.

A sea of imitators won’t make anyone stand out.

True innovation and distinction come from those who step out and be different.

The Power of the “Weird”

Highly creative individuals are often described with words like “weird,” “eccentric,” and even “borderline.”

They challenge assumptions and don’t shy away from unconventional approaches.

Here’s how you can tap into your inner “weird”:

  • Ditch Benchmarking: Stop asking “what do they do?” Focus on finding your own unique path.
  • Challenge the Norm: Ask “what if I did the opposite?” This doesn’t mean being blindly contrarian, but starting from a different perspective.
  • Embrace the Weirdos: Surround yourself with those who march to the beat of their own drum and look for solutions that others don’t. Their unique quirks can spark your own creativity.
  • Follow Your Gut: Don’t let logic stifle your intuition. Great ideas often come from following your feelings.
  • Embrace the Journey: Focus on the act of creation, not just the end goal. Let your curiosity guide you and see where it leads.

By following these steps, you’ll break free from the herd mentality and forge your own path to success.

Remember, conventional wisdom won’t make you extraordinary.

Embrace your weirdness and watch your career flourish!

Related: What Is the Truth About Conformity: Useful or Dangerous?