Client Engagement vs. Client Satisfaction featuring Ashley Quamme

Recorded by: Adam Holt & Derek Notman

Can satisfaction be high with low engagement?  How can financial professionals help clients better engage in the financial planning process?  Join us as we unpack these questions and more with special guest Ashley Quamme, Fractional Financial Behavior Officer for firms and advisors, where we talk about the shift to human-first advice and what it means for advisors.  If you’re looking to grow then this is a topic you don’t want to miss.

In this episode Ashely, Adam and Derek chat about:

  • Client satisfaction vs. engagement
  • The knowing/doing gap
  • Advisors being in the relationship business but not getting formal relationship training
  • How to build relationships with under engaged spouses
  • Communication and rapport building and setting the expectations up front
  • Looking in the mirror to better serve your clients
  • And lots more!

Related: The Age of Digital Intimacy Featuring Jason Pereira