Clear the Clutter: How to Eliminate Wasteful Business Activities

Ever feel like your business is stuck in the mud?

You might be bogged down by Non-Strategic Activities and Projects—CRAP.

These are tasks and initiatives that may have been important once, but no longer contribute to your strategic goals.

Here’s the thing: strategy isn’t just about what you do, it’s also about what you don’t do. Focusing solely on new initiatives without eliminating CRAP sets you up for failure. It drains resources, hinders progress, and keeps you tethered to the past.

So, how do you clear out the clutter and free up your business to move forward?

The CRAP Elimination Plan:

Assign a CRAP Champion — This person will take inventory of every project and activity currently happening in your organization.

Create Categories — Establish two categories: KEEP and CUT. The KEEP pile should be ruthless – only projects that 100% align with your new direction make the cut.

The CUT pile should be generous – anything questionable goes here.

Identify Project Leads — Pinpoint who’s responsible for each project in the CUT pile (the project prime). These folks will eventually be reassigned to your new priorities.

Critical Assessment Meeting — Gather your senior team and have each project prime explain how their project aligns with the new strategy.

This also serves as a gauge of their strategic understanding.

Make the Cut — Decide which projects in the CUT pile will be terminated. Calculate the resource savings from eliminating them.

Reassign Resources — Develop a plan for reassigning people from CUT projects to KEEP projects.

Be prepared to assist those who may not have the skills or who don’t align with the new direction.

Communicate Clearly — Inform everyone about the KEEP and CUT projects, and explain the rationale behind the cuts.

This is a golden opportunity to reinforce your new strategy and get everyone on board.

Remember: Cutting projects can be tough, but it’s essential for progress.

By eliminating CRAP, you free up resources, boost efficiency, and empower your business to reach new heights.

Get started today and watch your business take flight!

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