Authenticity is the New Currency: Winning Over Gen Z with Genuine PR Campaigns

Written by: Haven Heffernan

In an era where the marketing-savvy Gen Z can smell inauthenticity from a mile away, brands must ditch the smoke and mirrors to earn this generation’s coveted stamp of approval. Gone are the days of traditional advertising and one-way communication. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z has grown up completely immersed in digital media, social platforms and branded content. For brands to truly connect with this age group, campaigns must feel genuine, transparent and aligned with their values. 

The Demand for Realness 

Older generations grew up with more acceptance of polished, aspirational ad campaigns that portrayed idealized lifestyles. Raised in the digital age with 24/7 access to information, fact-checking and critical reviews, Gen Z values reality over curation. They respond to raw, unfiltered content that feels human, relatable and realistic. Brands that can tap into this yearning for candid, genuine marketing are able to find huge success with this demographic. 

In the 1990s, Nike took the “bigger than life” advertising approach, idealizing athletes. This is epitomized by its famous heroic portrayals of athletes as superhumans through dramatic imagery and grandiose slogans. Nike has remained a dominant power in the apparel industry through its ability to pivot with what consumers want. Twenty years later, the company ran its ‘Find Your Greatness’ campaign, focusing on everyday athletes. The campaign let audiences know that anyone can be an athlete, regardless of whether you have chiseled six-pack abs or not, tapping into consumers’ desires for more personal marketing. 

On top of realistic campaigns, Gen Z increasingly seeks brands that are willing to be candid and show what goes on behind-the-scenes. A Gen Z-favorite brand that has been able to leverage this desire is Glossier. Trendy makeup and skincare brand Glossier showcases relatable content and personal stories from both its team and customers on the popular blog, Into The Gloss. Readers are given a sixth sense of the voice behind the brand without being required to purchase products. They frequently partner with micro-creators to curate a sense of relatability, rather than influencers with follower counts in the millions like other cosmetics brands.  

Purpose Over Products 

Purpose has surpassed product as the prime motivator for Gen Z when it comes to brand loyalty. In an oversaturated consumer market, options for every purchase are endless. This age group doesn’t pick the first product on the shelf, they buy into the broader missions and beliefs that companies represent. Brands must authentically champion causes bigger than their bottom line to earn Gen Z’s support.  

One brand that has done this exceptionally well is outdoor clothing and gear company Patagonia. Known for its rugged yet environmentally conscious products, Patagonia has staked its entire brand purpose on environmental activism, funding grassroots eco-initiatives. It proudly voices its B-Corp certification and initiatives for protecting undeveloped lands, transitioning to renewable manufacturing practices and funding for 1% For the Planet. This has earned Patagonia a coveted spot on the list of Gen Z’s favorite brands, the generation that rallies behind companies taking real action on societal issues they care about.  

For brands, effectively weaving purpose-driven storytelling into campaigns means thinking beyond superficial slogans or token donations. It requires developing genuine mission-aligned content and practices that show, not just tell, their commitments in action. Crafting organic influencer collaborations with creators who align with important causes and publicizing operational practices that “walk the walk” can help bridge the gap between a brand’s values and Gen Z consumers’ perceptions. 

Co-Creating with the Consumer 

Gen Z expects a seat at the table when it comes to the products and marketing from their favorite brands. This generation wants more than being told what to buy – they want an active role in the creative process itself. By soliciting their input and collaboration and making consumers feel valued, brands can foster deeper engagement and loyalty. 

The rise of user-generated content (UGC) campaigns, influencer co-creation and open-source innovation models allow consumers to directly participate in developing brand initiatives from the ground up. For example, clothing brand Aritzia has tapped the minds of Gen Z content creators to receive feedback on their website design preferences to enhance the online shopping experience.  

To facilitate this co-creation successfully, brands must utilize platforms where customers can easily voice their opinions. TikTok has been a vital player in this field, allowing for the simple creation of UGC submissions to gather consumer reactions. The key is making Gen Z feel genuinely heard and integrated into the brand’s ecosystem as a valued partner.  

Awaking Authenticity in PR 

For brands and PR professionals, it’s vital to embrace the awakening of authenticity and realness that Gen Z demands. The era of idealized campaigns and superficial marketing is over. To truly break through, brands must craft thoughtful campaigns that favor transparent, purposeful storytelling. Whether through user-generated content showcasing real customer experiences, employee spotlights that give behind-the-scenes access to the team or bold demonstrations of a brand’s activism, campaign efforts must embody authenticity. Only brands that can commit to and exemplify these strides will earn Gen Z’s trust and attention. 

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