An Alternative Approach To Pricing

Are you unhappy with the current percentage of assets approach to pricing used by the vast majority of the financial services industry?

Or are you simply curious as to how else you might charge for your professional financial planning services?

Here’s an interview I did in conjunction with Adam Carloan from NextGen Planners, where we spoke at length to Mark Berg, Founding Partner at Timothy Financial Counsel.

Mark runs a fee-only advice business that charges by the hour. That’s pretty unique.

His business is also a killer financial planning business, delivering absolutely top-quality advice to their clients.

I have to confess, I was never that keen on hourly rate as a pricing approach until I met, and took the time to listen to, why Mark believes this is a great way to run your business.

This is an in-depth interview because Adam and I wanted to dive into the detail (which we did).

I’d recommend a listen if you’re:

a.) Fed up with the current pricing approaches you see firms using.

b.) Relatively early in your business journey and still open to other pricing options that will differentiate you in the crowded, noisy marketplace.

c.) Simply curious and open to learning.

Related: Five Time Killers in Your Business