5 Ways to Communicate Your Advisory Expertise

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you are an expert; a financial services expert. You have probably earnt the right to call yourself an expert because you have the appropriate qualifications, years of experience and area of focus. You know, with confidence, that you can help your ideal client.

But, are you any good at communicating that expertise?

If you haven’t been communicating your expertise, you may have seen other financial advisers who have been asked their opinions by the media or invited to present at a conference or local business group and wondered why they got the exposure and you didn’t. Even worse, you may have lost some potential clients to other financial advisers because their profiles and websites look more informative, relevant and current than yours.

So, how can you make sure that you position yourself as an expert too? What makes potential clients and business partners think that you are the expert you deserve to be?

1. Recommendations – experts are those that are highly recommended by others. Conduct an audit of yourself online, are there any visible recommendations? What percentage of your clients come through others?

2. Publications – experts are those who get their articles published in the right magazines, newspapers and online platforms. This is easier than you think! How can anyone find out about you if they can’t ‘see’ you?

3. Communication – experts are those that have the natural ability to take the complex and communicate it in simple terms. Ask for feedback, do you baffle people or not?

4. Track record – experts are those that have a proven track record to help people just like them [potential client]. Where is the social proof that you have helped others just like them? No-one wants to be the guinea pig!

5. Confidence – experts ooze confidence, in a humble way. Video yourself and see how you come across.

Communicating your expertise in what is considered a crowded market may be overwhelming for some, however, if you develop a plan that you can commit to; one that you will implement, you too, will start to communicate your expertise and get the exposure you deserve too.