Making small but progressive changes to your practice will validate to women that you care and respect what is important to her. When she truly knows you care about her she will become your loyal raving fan (and so will her husband).
3 Simple Truths About Women
- For most advisors the future success of their business will be determined by women. The number of wealthy women investors in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men; in a two year period, the number of wealthy women in the US grew 68% while the number of men grew only 36% – Marti Barletta, PrimeTime Women™
- Advisors must adapt to a new approach/marketing strategy that appeals to women to succeed. The largest wealth transfer in history is about to take place. Over the next decade women will be the recipients of the largest transference of wealth in the country’s history, double inheritance windfall, from both parents and husband – Marti Barletta, PrimeTime Women™ 70% of women fire their male advisors once their husband dies, and 90% of those hire a female advisor afterwards –The Boston Consulting Group
- Advisors must engage women more effectively to stave off massive attrition. Women view interpersonal skills as the number one criteria when selecting a financial advisor. Interpersonal skills include; ability to connect, communicate and relate –-Fara Warner, Power of the Purse: How Smart Business Are Adapting to the World’s Most Important Consumers – Women
It doesn’t take much to begin showing women you care. Begin transforming your relationship today with these 10 engaging ideas.
10 Simple Ideas to Engage Women Clients
1. Make your reception area more conducive to women: add flowers, warmer colors, women’s magazines not just trade publications. During the pandemic it’s all about the your zoom background! Be sure to have great lighting too.
2. Offer a beverage but serve in dishware that your grandmother would be deserving of, not a big fat coffee mug. During the pandemic you can send a digital Starbucks gift card so they can pickup a coffee before your zoom call!
3. Have pictures of family not just certificates of accomplishments front and center and even introduce her to your family even if it’s just a picture – then ask about her family.
4. Introduce her to all your staff and say a positive comment about each staff member. Be sure they stand and say her name when responding, make it personal. During the pandemic you can send a follow-up email introducing her to your staff.
5. Ask thought provoking open ended questions about her in her language even if her husband is present:
- What is the purpose of your money, Helen? (Instead of goals)
- If money weren’t an issue what how would you spend your time?
- If you could help your children financially how would you want to help them?
Now let’s get a little more serious
6. Share your story as to why you care about women – keep it short compelling and authentic check out chapter 6 in my book, Keys To The Ladies Room.
7. Update your website and carve out a page for women investors filled with articles that are written by and for women. Great read for women that want to learn about money is, Sacred Success by Barbara Huson.
8. Send out fun and informative emails or quizzes for women once or twice a month that women can relate to.
9. Integrate new events/seminars for women where they do most of the talking and you engage them in the discussion; Savvy Women Seminar or Prince Charming Isn’t Coming.
10. Provide new female clients with a beautiful Money Journal where they can write all their questions and concerns.
Making small but progressive changes to your practice will validate to women that you care and respect what is important to her. When she truly knows you care about her she will become your loyal raving fan.
Related: A Presentation with Legs for Women Financial Advisors