It is essential to arrive at the right time. If you contact a potential customer after buying this a competitive and expensive product, you will not pay any attention to us. But if you find out that you are looking for a new provider, you can contact this potential customer before you start researching , because that way you will receive your message with much more interest.
A trigger event is a fact that opens a door to a sales opportunity. Many of these events are not as obvious as a tweet or a LinkedIn ad that says, "I'm looking for a new product for ... any input?"
What really needs to be done is to "tune in" the correct channels to detect the changes, sometimes flagrant and other subtle, that may favor an approach.
So, how are sales activation events? Keep reading and discover these 20 valuable examples and where you can trace them.
1. New executives
A newly hired person has the authority and desire to change things. Having no "traditions" in their new company and seeking to demonstrate their value quickly, they are more open to new ideas that other leaders do not have within the company. It is a perfect time to approach them.
How to find out: create an alert on Google for this company or follow its press releases page, LinkedIn ...
2. New job / position for a current contact
If a satisfied customer has a new position in your company or changes to another company, contact him and find out if he wants to keep your product or service in its new stage. If your service worked well in the past, it will be happy to continue with you.
How to discover it: LinkedIn.
3. Ad from a large customer
If your potential client has just gotten a large account, the safest thing is that they put a lot of money into their coffers. Get in touch with the client to explain how he could use this new income for his benefit.
How to discover it: create an alert on Google, read press releases, news from your sector ...
4. New product / service announcement
By launching a new product or service, companies are entering an unexplored territory. And this territory requires different types of support and, possibly, new suppliers.
How to discover it: Google alerts, press releases, news from your sector, RR. SS., Etc.
5. Great movement of the competition
By this we mean any activity that is outside the launch of a new product (a marketing campaign, advertising, getting a customer or changing the leadership in the sector). As in cycling, if a rival attacks, we can not stay behind.
How to discover it: Google alerts, press releases, news from your sector, RR. SS., Etc.
Movements of the competition
6. Dissatisfaction with the current provider
If your potential client tells you that they are not happy with their current provider, take advantage of the opportunity. Keep in mind that this can be discovered in many ways: from a publication on social networks to search news articles or legal actions that express that the relationship is not good.
How to discover it: tracking news of the sector, RR. SS., Etc.
7. A good / bad quarter
Is the company spending money like crazy? At that time they will be more receptive to projects that could help them continue on the path to success or accelerate their growth. Present yourself.
Is the future client losing money? Do you have a product or service that can reverse the trend? Present yourself.
How to discover it: videoconferences, news of the sector, bulletins ...
8. Mergers and acquisitions
The union of two organizations is a golden opportunity to obtain additional income. Spread the use of your product or service if one of the parties is already a customer or try to put your head in these first moments.
How to find out: Google alerts, press releases, industry news ...
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9. Changes in hiring speed
Whether the company is hiring new talent or making massive layoffs, any major change in hiring can be a trigger to offer your products or services.
How to find out: Google alerts, industry news, press releases ...
10. New strategies / initiatives in the organization
It is difficult to see within a company which projects are being financed and which are being delayed or canceled altogether. But if, in one way or another, you can get that data and submit an offer accordingly, buyers will be impressed and grateful.
How to discover it: RR. SS., Internal mail ...
New initiatives in the company
11. The buyer opens your email
Do you know when you are busiest? When a potential customer is physically looking for an email you sent. Although this is not as much a trigger event for them as it is for you, it is still an opportunity to keep your attention while you already have it.
How to find out: track sales with HubSpot.
12. New legislation
Regardless of the type of technology you offer, it is very important to closely monitor laws and regulations. When there is a change in legislation, gaps are created that must be used to offer our products or services to the buyers who need them.
How to discover it: news of the sector.
13. Change in the price / availability of resources
If a key material for a company's model disappears suddenly or suffers a sharp rise in price, they will look for alternative ways to get it or replace it.
How to discover it: news of the sector.
14. Awards
It is great to be recognized within an industry. Get in touch when the companies you want to work with are on the crest of the wave and inform them about how you can help them continue to outperform their competition.
How to find out: Google alerts, industry news, press releases page ...
15. Samples of interest
If you sell a new type of car and a potential customer publishes an article on Facebook about the benefits of that car, it is showing interest for everyone to see it. Control everything potential customers publish, share and appreciate on social networks, and if it matches what you sell, offer it.
How to discover it: RR. H.H.
16. Analytical reports
All the companies have analysts that investigate and classify the companies in their sector. Once you identify the most important analysis companies in the market in which you sell, carefully follow the new launches of your research. Well-ranked organizations will seek to take advantage of their status, and poorly ranked organizations will seek to reverse the situation.
How to discover it: analysis websites, Google alerts, industry news.
Competency analysis
17. Entry into a new market
New market, new problems. New problems, new needs, budget and schedule. As you can see, it is the perfect time for a sales opportunity to be generated.
How to find out: Google alerts, industry news, press releases, RR. H.H.
18. Creation of new positions
Do not pay attention only to changes in executive leadership ; We also have to pay attention to new roles that signal new strategies. Keep in mind that people without predecessors in their position are free to start their divisions the way they choose.
How to find out: press releases, RR. H.H.
19. Press coverage
Whether it is positive or negative, a newspaper article will shed light on the situation of a company. Make sure you are in the right place to help these people increase a favorable perception or turn around a harmful opinion.
How to find out: Google alerts, press.
20. Custom event for the buyer's industry
All companies are subject to news that generate a great uproar within their category, but that are unimportant for the rest of the world. Whatever these events are, follow them carefully and trace them.