10 Tips To Be Captivating on Camera

Performing for a camera does not feel natural. We get it. Most people struggle to look authentic on video … at the beginning.

Like most things in life, it takes time to get the results. If you’re ready to elevate your on-camera game, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Here are ten tips to make your next Idea Kit or Instant Video Impact session a success! 

1. Get Animated: Gestures “Sell” Your Story

Just like a celebratory bottle, let your personality burst forth! Unleash your authentic self, sprinkle in some enthusiasm, and connect with your audience on a personal level. You’ll get a better final result if you’re animated and full of life. You have to sell your performance, come across as genuine, and be enthusiastic and passionate as your subject matter permits.

2. Slow Down: Speaking Fast Makes You Sound Nervous

Avoid the murky waters of confusion and opt for the crystal-clear stream of simplicity. Similar to public speaking, we have a natural tendency on camera to sometimes speed up and speak too fast while delivering your performance. This can come off as somewhat of a nervous energy. Just remember to slow down. 

3. Make Contact: Look at your Audience (the camera!)

To better connect with your audience, look at the camera. It’s the equivalent of maintaining eye contact in real life. Ideally, position your camera at eye level or just above the eyeline to enhance the feeling of engagement.

4. Practice Pausing: It Makes Editing Easier

Whether you’re editing your video or you have someone helping you, the job is easier if you create natural “edit points” to stitch together the video. To integrate this into your performance, practice leaving small pauses in between each one of your sentences or paragraphs. That way, if you make a mistake, the footage can easily be edited at one of these small pauses or edit points. Deliberate pauses also allow your viewer to digest what you’re saying!

5. Stumble, but Restart: Everyone Makes Mistakes

When recording on camera don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The great advantage of recording on camera (when it’s not live) is that you have the ability to cut out all the stumbles and word jumbles. Your final cut can just include the best pieces so you deliver the most powerful performance.

When the time comes and you do make a mistake, or want to rephrase or retake something you’ve said, all you’ll simply need to do is pause…center yourself…backup a bit… and restart from the top of the sentence you were speaking. 

Remember, in the grand vineyard of video creation, even the finest wines had a few spilled drops before they became a masterpiece. Don’t let a corked moment stop your recording—pour on and let the blooper reel be a testament to your vintage journey! 

6. Drink Up: Hydration Really Helps

Keeping hydrated is one of the best secrets to recording your videos! This will actually allow you to articulate your words more clearly, and it’ll allow you to speak for longer. Also, keeping hydrated helps to reduce what is known as “sibilance ” … otherwise known as the natural hiss sounds when pronouncing T’s, S’s, SH’s, & Z’s.

7. Get Friendly: Visualize a Person Behind the Camera

When addressing the camera, just pretend you’re speaking with someone you know. Talk to the camera as if it were a person. Emote as if you’re trying to connect with that person through the words you’re speaking. Visualizing someone you like standing behind the camera will help you deliver a warm, friendly message.

8. Don’t Slouch: Good Posture Projects Energy

Cheers to standing tall and strong like a fine wine bottle! It’s good practice to sit up straight on or off-camera, but doing so is especially important when you’re shooting a video. Avoid hunching over or sitting in a way that distorts your body. Aside from setting you up for expensive chiropractor bills, slouching suggests to your viewers that you’re not energized or engaged in your content. If you don’t look interested, why should they be? 

9. Backgrounds Count: Consider What’s Behind You

Stepping into the virtual spotlight with style and grace isn’t the only thing to keep in mind. Your video’s background and décor send a message. Be mindful of your surroundings; they’re indicative of who you are and can suggest a level of professionalism — or lack thereof. If you’re making a serious video about your company’s process, for instance, you might want to avoid distracting or unpleasant background imagery. On the other hand, if you’re making your bio video, bright colors and fun visual effects might make sense. 

10. Simply Smile: Appear More Approachable

Be genuine, be yourself, and let your authenticity create a connection that transcends the digital screen. Smiling opens more doors and helps create positive attitudes in human communication. Of course, not every message needs a smile. Match your mood for your message. So, the next time you’re in front of the camera, channel your inner mixologist and concoct a smile that’s as delightful as your favorite cocktail.

Related: Try Telling Your Story in Just 3 Words